In wine, ‘natural’ is a concept before it’s a style. It refers to a philosophy; an attitude. It may involve a regimen of rituals or it may be as simple as a gesture, but the goal, in nearly every case,…
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Posted on 2021.11.30 in Saint-Amour, Muscadet, France, Spain DO, Beaujolais, Champagne, Wine-Aid Packages, Loire, Southern Rhone, South West, Arribes, Tierra de Leon, Valencia, Ribeira Sacra  | Read more...
The spotlight of Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude—for the bounty and for the providers. This extends to every phase of the celebration, family to feast, and in the rush of preparation, wines either get pushed to a back-burner or,…
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Posted on 2021.11.19 in Côte Chalonnaise, Givry, Beaujolais-Villages, France, Beaujolais, Spain DO, Penedes, Burgundy, Wine-Aid Packages, Southern Rhone, Navarra, Alsace  | Read more...
G.K. Chesterton considered gratitude to be the highest form of thought; John F. Kennedy once wrote, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” In…
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Posted on 2021.11.14 in Morgon, Cote de Brouilly, Saint-Amour, Moulin-à-Vent, Fleurie, Beaujolais-Villages, Chirouble, France, Beaujolais, Wine-Aid Packages  | Read more...
Champagne Laherte Frères ‘Cuvées Terroir Fundamentals’ Special price for members of the Champagne Society is $79. (SOLD-OUT) ‘Progressive’ is not a word one traditionally sees affixed to Champagne producers, because, well… tradition. But shifting dynamics in consumer tastes and…
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Posted on in France, The Champagne Society, Champagne  | Read more...
No red wine appellation is more synonymous with ‘perfume’ than Volnay; the wines have historically checked all the boxes for quality, vigor and longevity but with an aromatic delicacy traditionally referred to as ‘feminine.’ The appellation has existed since 1937,…
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Posted on 2021.11.04 in France, Burgundy  |