The wine world’s equivalent to the dinosaur-destroying Chicxulub meteor is a microscopic louse called phylloxera. By the end of the nineteenth century, the bug had killed most of the vines in Europe, and when they were replanted (often using louse-resistant…
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Posted on 2023.09.08 in La Tierra de Castilla, France, Spain DO, Penedes, Wine-Aid Packages, Catalunya, Cava, Arribes, Tierra de Leon, Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra  | Read more...
Pardevalles Albarín Blanco (Tierra de León 2014) White Price: ~16/bottle Pardevalles Prieto Picudo “Gamonal” (Tierra de León 2012) Red Price: ~$19/bottle Third generation vigneron Rafael Alonso is one of the pioneer winemakers of southern León. Viñedos y…
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Posted on 2016.06.29 in Saturday Sips Wines, Spain DO, Tierra de Leon  | Read more...
Pardevalles “Albarín Blanco” Price: $18.99/bottle Pardevalles Gamonal “Prieto Picudo” Price: $23/bottle Join us this Saturday to sample a red and white wine from the rare grapes of DO Tierra de León. The Alonso family of Pardevalles is one of…
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Posted on 2015.02.04 in Saturday Sips Wines, Spain DO, Tierra de Leon  | Read more...