Happy New Year! Stop by the shop for all your bubbly needs. We have sparkling wines from France, Spain, and Italy starting at $15. As usual, we’ll have our elaborate selection of small-production sparkling wines, and grower Champagnes from Grand…
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Posted on 2019.12.27 in France, Champagne  |
The holiday season is filled with dinners and togetherness. At 1.5 liters, a magnum is the equivalent of two standard wine bottles and makes an excellent choice for group imbibing as up to ten revelers can get a healthy glass…
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Posted on 2019.12.18 in France  |
The Gift of Bordeaux If you’re looking for the perfect gift for the wine lover in your life – even if that wine lover is you – look no further than our Gift Box of 2015 Vintage
- - - The River Hérault rises out of the Cévennes mountain range, carving a path through limestone before flowing south across the fertile plain west of Montpellier and finally emptying into the Mediterranean. It cuts through the heart of the winemaking region… - - - Castell d’Encus “Taïka” (Costers del Segre 2013) Price for The Champagne Society members: $84 (regular price $99) Castell d’Encus cuvée Taïka is a groundbreaking “Methode Ancestrale” sparkling wine from the cool heights of the Catalonian Pyrenees. A unique sparkling blend of… - - -
Posted on 2019.12.12 in France, Bordeaux, Saturday Sips Wines  | Read more...Another Rising Star and Another Gem of a Red Wine from Southern France
Posted on 2019.12.05 in France, Saturday Sips Wines, Languedoc-Roussillon  | Read more...The Champagne Society December 2019 Selection: Castell d’Encus
Posted on 2019.12.01 in Spain DO, The Champagne Society, Costers del Segre  | Read more...