G.K. Chesterton considered gratitude to be the highest form of thought; John F. Kennedy once wrote, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” In…
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Posted on 2021.11.14 in Moulin-à-Vent, Fleurie, Beaujolais-Villages, Chirouble, Morgon, Cote de Brouilly, Saint-Amour, France, Beaujolais, Wine-Aid Packages  | Read more...
As a wine term, ‘terroir’ transcends nationality. It leapfrogs appellations and vaults borders; it is a small package within a warehouse of nuances. Literally, it may mean ‘dirt’, but only in the context under which soil exists as part of…
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Posted on 2021.07.30 in Chirouble, Morgon, Cote de Brouilly, France, Beaujolais, Wine-Aid Packages  | Read more...